Dekanat Kulmbach/ Melkendorf

Is the records for Melkendorf complete or why can I not find Taufens, Trauungen and Bestattungen for the years 1631 through 1702? There is a gap. What would be the nearest parish to Mellkendorf?
Sven, could you look up Kulmbach/Melkendorf 1703-1782 - Image 155? The record is dated 1716. Number 4 Caspar Huldner. I do not speak German and my script is very bad. I do not know the town name on the side. I appreciate any help. Thank you Judy.
Please be careful. There is a Melkendorf near Bamberg which is shown in user722's map and a Melkendorf near Kulmbach which should be the one the parish registers refer to.

Juergen Korn