Köslin looking for Otto Müller Westpommelen

Looking for any information about (Büreau-Assistent) Otto Müller who lived in Köslin ?does anyone knows anything about him?
When born?
Parents were?

Married to whom, where and when?

Deceased where and when?

What was his religious belief?

You are aware that Köslin / Koszalin is not and was never located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, right?

Instead, today it‘s Poland and for some time it was in Westpommern / Western Pomerania - a former German territory.
He was born probably in Köslin, parents unknown ,married to Agnes Müller ( from family Mews) , he died probably 1910 in Köslin.
Well, that doesn‘t answer all of my questions, sorry?

I am really sorry, but you need to provide more proven details.
The family name „Müller“ is way to common for a more or less „general search“.
You can find the death certificate at "Ancestry". He was born in Köslin and died there on May 12, 1909, at the age of 57.
His parents last resided in Köslin: the master shoemaker Carl Müller and his wife Friederike, née Herrmann.
Otto Müller was survived by his wife Agnes née Mews.
This could be their marriage (unfortunately the link to the Polish page in the database does not work for me):

If so, he was born on January 8, 1852 in Cöslin (=Köslin) and his wife on December 21, 1859, also in Köslin.
The Greif database also contains information on children of this couple.
Here you will find the death of his father:

Otto Müller, as Vera has already written, is such a common name that you should be absolutely sure you have the right Otto in your family tree with this "office assistant". Good luck with your further research!