Hersbruck records

I have found church records for baptisms and marriages that are relevant. How do I get to see the actual certificate?
Thank you for any help.

Thank you. I have now managed to download lots of information that is really helpful. The website is wonderful.

My next problem is reading the downloads especially in German which I do not understand.

Do you know of anybody that can read the old text and provide a transalation service?

Thank you.

this site has a sub-section titled "Lesehilfen" = deciphering help.

People create a new topic for each single record they need help with and include a so-called "Permalink" in their post directly pointing to the individual record in question.

Then other people here -willing and able to help- provide record transcriptions (historic script -- to -- modern script).

One may also ask to include translations to English as well. How good that works depends on the English capabilities of the "helping hand".

Best, Vera
