Archion Problems

Is there some technical problem with Archion today? The site keeps logging me out after a few seconds or minutes. I've already cleared history & cookies on my browser but it didn't help.
Also I keep getting a message that the server sent an unknown message.
Finally, the site is extremely slow and parts of pages don't even load.

In other words, the site is completely unusable today.
no problem we are aware of. Did you try to use your account from 2 different browsers or devices at the same time or are you using any vpn / privacy proxy so that you have an often changing IP-address?
Hi Michael,

Unstable Internet connections are likely to cause automatic logouts because you get a new IP address with each new connection from your router to your provider.

Kind regards,
I used to work at Cisco - I'm well aware of my network configuration and how to check my IP address. Nothing was unusual there. As it happens, Archion is working fine now, without my having made any changes. But there was clearly something wrong a couple hours ago. There were other aspects of the site that were malfunctioning that I didn't bother to list. Anyway, it's good for now.
I found the problem and this may be helpful for other users. I use Safari on a Mac. Change the setting in Safari, Hide IP Address from From Trackers and Websites to From Trackers Only. The former setting causes problems with Archion, sometimes loading only partial images or nothing at all.
Problem: Ich habe gerade wieder einen Monatspass gekauft und er funktioniert NICHT! Keine Anzeige! Ist das ein neues Problem, seit archion alles so schön bunt gemacht hat? Ich verliere gerade einen Tag meines gekauften Pass! . Funktioniert der neue Spaß morgen auch nicht, ist das wohl Geld verlangen ohne Gegenleistung!
dann schreiben Sie doch direkt an den Support warum das nicht geht.
Der Tag wird sicher gutgeschrieben wenn das Problem bei Archion liegt, sind da eigentlich sehr kulant.

Hello, tagging on here and already have reported to Archion. I'm experiencing lately slow loading of the side at specific times of the day, I live in Portland/ Oregon - so there is a time difference of 9 hours, usually starting to get worse around 3pm PST (12am german time), unworkable around 5pm PST and back to normal at 9 pm PST (which is 6am german time). Wondering if anybody else experiencing the problem besides the daily lookout at around 3:33pm PST (12:33 am german time) for about 5 mins. If so, please report to Archion, I suspect there are some ongoing processes in the background slowing things down.
Hallo, ich habe momentan zu bestimmten Zeiten Probleme mit langen Seitenladezeiten, startet meisten nachts um 24Uhr deutscher Zeit (ich wohne in Portland/Orgeon mit 9 Stunden Zeitverschiebung :) ) , gegen 2 Uhr morgens wird es immer schlimmer, um 3Uhr geht gar nichts mehr (Seiteladezeiten bis zu einer Minute). Ab 6 Uhr morgens ist alles wieder normal. Wenn ihr diesselben Probleme habt, bitte doch mal an Archion melden - ich vermute stark, dass irgendwelche Prozessse in der Nacht laufen, die den Zugriff verlangsamen.
Thank you! Danke!
