Sporwitz = Sporbitz?

I found this marriage record from 1703 in Höckendorf bei Dippoldiswalde.

I am looking at Record #8 in 1703.

The father of the bride is from "Nauendorff." There are several places named "Nauendorf"/"Naundorf" nearby, but I have determined that this is Naundorf, between Sadisdorf and Schmiedeberg south of Dippoldiswalde.

The father of the groom though is from "Sporwitz". I can't find a place nearby spelled "Sporwitz". There is a "Zborowice" in Silesia/Poland. And a "Zborovice" in Moravia.

The closest I can find is "Sporbitz" near Dohna/Leuben between Dresden and Pirna.

Does anyone know of another place called Sporwitz?

Siehe #8 - 1703. (Johann Georg Nagel mit Sophia Köhlerin)

Der Vater des Bräutigams ist aus "Sporwitz", leider finde ich keinen Ort in der Nähe "Sporwitz" heißt.

In Niederschlesien liegt "Zborowice", und in Moravia liegt "Zborovice"

Zwischen Dresden und Pirna liegt "Sporbitz" in Dohna Kirchengemeinde.

Kennen Sie einen anderen Ort "Sporwitz" heißt?

Vielen Dank!
I'd go for Sporbitz:

- Sporbitz was called Sporwitz in the 15th century (and before), Sporbitz was used for the first time in 1551
- there is no other Sporwitz in Germany
- if a far away village was meant, the priest would have mentioned where it is ("Sporwitz im Amte ..." or "Sporwitz in Mähren" ...). However, he obviously thought that everybody would know, which Sporwitz it is. So it must be close enough to Höckenwalde.

Thank you so much eggi. This is what I thought too.

So far, I've already searched the Gerichtsbücher, but didn't find anything.

The Kirchenbücher aren't yet digitized, so it will mean a visit to the parish. Hopefully I will be able to do this soon.

Again thanks for the help and tips.