Map of farms in Schleswig-Holstein

I can't read the place names in the records. Is there a list of farm/village names available?
Thanks for any help!

Richelle Harris
If you can't read the name, even an index of place names won't help much. Post the Permalink and we'll try to read the name.

If you don't know where the place is, search for the place e.g. in the German Wikipedia. There you may also find information about other place names in the local area. Example: Hennstedt (Dithmarschen) : "Im Gemeindegebiet von Hennstedt liegen, neben dem Kirchdorf gleichen Namens, auch das Dorf Horst, die Häusergruppen Pferdekrug, Pferdekrugsweg, Apeldör, Landweg, Tellingstedter Chaussee, Verschönerung, das Einzelhaus Wildbahn, die Einzelhofsiedlungen Julianka, Bauerholzweg, Rosengarten und die Höfesiedlung Östermoor, sowie die Streusiedlungen Busch und teilweise Brandmoor nebst Hochfeld."

If you only know a place name but not the parish, try, search for "Place of birth/residence" only. Example: Pferdekrug

Thus, we find two individuals living in Linden, and born in Pferdekrug near Hennstedt. Therefore it is obvious to continue the search for an individual from Pferdekrug in the parish of Hennstedt.

Viele Grüße
