Groß Ottenhagen records after 1900

Can anyone tell me whether there are still registry office registers for Groß Ottenhagen from 1890 in archives? There are no church registers after 1874. I am looking for the death date (approx. 1925-1930) of my great-grandmother Marie Anna Kalwis, née Bandusch, born on June 11, 1863 in Groß Ottenhagen. In the list of registry offices in the former German eastern territories, I cannot find a registry office based in Groß Ottenhagen and I have read at Berlin Registry Office 1 that there are probably no more registry office registers for Groß Ottenhagen in Germany. Can someone please confirm this and tell me whether there are possibly other records that could specifically identify residents of Groß Ottenhagen from November 1905?

Thank you
Hello Jan.

Perhaps you can find help here:

Regards Ursula
Thankyou for your suggestions . The difficulty I am having is finding any civil records for GroßOttenhagen after 1874 ... I think my great grandmother and 3 children, including my grandmother, would have returned there around December 1905 so I'm looking for evidence to confirm that belief.[double]=0&tx_dlf[id]=[page]=511&cHash=7c98e7bc49a81b4960b17f093991cdbb Das ist der Link (ich hoffe es funktioniert) zur Taufe einer Anna Maria, uneheliche Tochter der Henriette Schlecht aus Gr. Ottenhagen, wurde den 11. Juni (1863) geboren und am 21. Juni getauft. Vielleicht hat die Mutter später geheiratet und das Kind dann den Namen des Mannes bekommen.
Thankyou very much that is my great grandmother Anna Maria Bandusch and 2x grandmother Henriette Schlicht (born Bandusch). I have also found Anna Maria she had 5 siblings with the surname Schlict the nearest in age born in 1860, so I assume Anna Maria was born after Henriette Schlicht was widowed to father unknown .
Thankyou very much that is my great grandmother Anna Maria Bandusch and 2x grandmother Henriette Schlicht (born Bandusch). I have also found Anna Maria she had 5 siblings with the surname Schlict the nearest in age born in 1860, so I assume Anna Maria was born after Henriette Schlicht was widowed to father unknown .
Her half siblings all had the father Rienhold Schlicht .
Da steht nirgends das die Mutter verwitwet oder geschieden sei. Ich kann nicht sagen ob das der Kirchenbuchschreiber einfach nur nicht eingetragen hat oder es eben nicht so ist.
Sorry I meant to say 'as you say'. Thankyou very much for your help. I have found it difficult interpreting the old hand written records in German as I am English!
Vielleicht einmal ein offenes Ostpreußen-Forum anfragen und nicht hier in Archion. Hier in Archion gibt es keine Standesamtsunterlagen.
Sorry I meant to say 'as you say'. Thankyou very much for your help. I have found it difficult interpreting the old hand written records in German as I am English!
Die vorliegenden Bücher sind nur Duplikate. Es kann sein das der Abschreiber nicht alles mit aufgeschrieben hat was im Original steht/stand. Es fehlen ja z. B. auch die Taufpaten.
Maybe ask an open East Prussia forum and not here in Archion. There are no registry office documents here in Archion.

The books in question are just duplicates. It is possible that the person who copied them did not write down everything that was/is in the original. The godparents are missing, for example.
I assume the original church books no longer exist hence the duplicates are the only source?[double]=0&tx_dlf[id]=[page]=511&cHash=7c98e7bc49a81b4960b17f093991cdbb Das ist der Link (ich hoffe es funktioniert) zur Taufe einer Anna Maria, uneheliche Tochter der Henriette Schlecht aus Gr. Ottenhagen, wurde den 11. Juni (1863) geboren und am 21. Juni getauft. Vielleicht hat die Mutter später geheiratet und das Kind dann den Namen des Mannes bekommen.
I have since found a burial /death record in which I think maybe Henriette Schlict 12 October 1870 (my 2x great grandmother ) but I am having difficultly reading the Ottenhagen Church registers for this period... is it simply a case of reading through the original registers page by page in order to find her death entry? Thankyou in advance