Tilsit records?

I am looking for the birth record of Rudolph Latsch. The following marriage record indicates he was born around 1836 in Tilsit Lutheran. Does this site contain records of this church?

Tischler Rudolph Latsch, Sohn d. Gutsbesitzers Ferdinand Latsch, geb. b. Tilsit luth. 30 Jahre
mit Pauline Dombrese, Tochter d. Carl Dombrese geb. in Sasdror(?), luth 22 Jahre
Here are church records of Tilsit.
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Switch the website language to English - see most upper right corner - change DE to EN.

Then make use of Archion's Search function

Enter i.e. Tilsit into the first free form field.
Make sure that Digitally available a little more to the right is checked.

And Go...

There is a Carl Dombres, who was a miller in Sasdrowen (Kr.Krottingen, Rußland/Litauen) in 20.06.1838. He was married to Catharina Otto. They had two children: Pauline Emilie Dombres, born 04.10.1844 in Sasdrowen, christened 10.10.1844 in Krottingen (Rußland/Litauen)(ev.Kirche)
Taufpaten: LAGINSKI Wilhelm; DEMBRES Christine.
Second daughter was Friederike Caroline Dombres, born 20.06.1838 in Sasdrowen, christened 03.07.1838 in Kretingen
Konfession: EV
