Burial place


I am loking for a burial place in Hamburg. Are there any sites i can use? The person i am looking for is Johanna Aranca Kröger born 12/9-1905 Altona and she died in september 1990.
you are most welcome.
You find 3 cemeteries for Wedel at the end of this listing: https://grabsteine.genealogy.net/cemlist.php?l=01&lang=de
Wedle is part of Schleswig-Holstein.
Note that places of your family in that region may belong to
- Bundesland Hamburg
- Bundesland Schleswig-Hostein (in the north-west, north and east)
- Bundesland Niedersachsen (in west and south and south-east)
Bundesland meaning different administrative districts = different search strings
you are most welcome.
You find 3 cemeteries for Wedel at the end of this listing: https://grabsteine.genealogy.net/cemlist.php?l=01&lang=de
Wedle is part of Schleswig-Holstein.
Note that places of your family in that region may belong to
- Bundesland Hamburg
- Bundesland Schleswig-Hostein (in the north-west, north and east)
- Bundesland Niedersachsen (in west and south and south-east)
Bundesland meaning different administrative districts = different search strings
Thank you so much 😊