Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin
Bethaniendamm 29
10997 Berlin / Germany
The Protestant Central Archive in Berlin is the archive of the Protestant Church in Germany and its legal and functional predecessors.
The inventory of the Protestant Central Archive in Berlin includes appr. 6,000 church books from Protestant parishes in the former eastern church provinces of Prussia. The church records originate from the provinces of East and West Prussia, Pomerania, Poznan, Silesia, and Brandenburg (east of Oder and Neisse). Some of the provinces are represented with numerous church records, while others have suffered severe losses during the wars.
The inventory of the central archive contains appr. 6,000 church records from Protestant parishes, appr. 750 military church records from the Prussian army and the German Wehrmacht (armed forces) and appr. 70 foreign church records from German Protestant parishes abroad. An alphabetic index of the parishes including church records from the inventory of the central archive can be found on the website of the archive: https://ezab.de/kirchenbuecher/kirchenbuch-suche.php
The vast majority of church books from the Protestant Central Archive have already been digitized; only a small part remains to be processed. Currently, the church books of several hundred parishes from 112 districts are online.
Certain church records are presented with a white background on Archion; they are only online as meta data sets without digitized material. This inventory consists of two groups:
If you need a church record for your family research that is not available online with Archion, you can view the church records as microfilms on site in the central archive. Please find further information on utilizing the central archive on its homepage: ezab.de/kirchenbuecher/nutzungshinweise.html