Wallertheim and Partenheim, GEDBAS

Hello all. I have a two-part question.

1. My ancestor (Maria Barbara WEINHEIMER) married in Rommersheim in 1740. Her father is Jacob WEINHEIMER of Wallertheim. I have not found the birth date of Maria Barbara, nor information about her parents. When I look on GEDBAS, I see a user with who has WEINHEIMERs listed as being born in Wallertheim and baptized in Partenheim, but the user does not specify the sources of information. Does anyone have suggestions for viewing Partenheim records?

2. The GEDBAS page provides an email address for the user I would be interested in contacting: xxxxxx@gmx.de. Is that email available for any person to write to the user, or is it just for members of compgen.de? I am not a paying member of this association.

Thank you for any guidance.


2. The GEDBAS page provides an email address for the user I would be interested in contacting: xxxxxx@gmx.de. Is that email available for any person to write to the user, or is it just for members of compgen.de? I am not a paying member of this association.

Sure, that email is available for any person to write to the GEDBAS user who publishes it.

Please note the final sentence Lars P. added:
"Sollte jemand Interesse an meinen Daten bzw. auch Korrekturen haben bin ich an einem Informationsaustausch interessiert."

Good luck, Vera
Thank you, Vera.

I think I have tried in the past once or twice to contact a member with their email listed on GEDBAS, but never got a reply. So I wondered if they ever actually received my inquiry. I suppose they did.

I will try again.

Kind regards,

Many thanks for the suggestions, Joachim. I will try to pursue these the next time I am able to work on my genealogy.


Hello Ellen,
I live next to Wallertheim and I know the problem: The church records of Wallertheim and some more villages are not yet available online.
We are waiting and hopeful.

I think you also know the former name of the village "Rommersheim", namely "Eichloch". The genealogical records of Eichloch are available online at Archion. It is no problem to find the marriage record of your ancestor Maria Barbara Weinheimer. I got it.

Do the married couple Johann (Philipp) Schmal and Maria Barbara née Weinheimer have a daughter Maria Apolonia born 1742 in Eichloch?

With kind regards and a happy New Year
Harald (Goedel)
If you do not have the original marriage document yet:

Anno 1740 den 11 ten Octobr: ist alhier co-
puliret worden Johann Wilhelm
Schmal, Johannes Schmals von hie⟨r⟩
ehelicher Sohn, mit Maria Ba⟨r-⟩
bara, weiland Jacob Weinhei-
mers von Wallertheim eheliche

(her father was already deceased at the time of marriage)