Family location search

hello all,
I'm looking for the hometown of my ancestors.
the father was Georg Meyer who married Margarethe Johnson. Their children are Johann Laurentz Meyer, Mike (Michel) Meyer, Catharine Meyer, Barbara Meyer and another younger sister we don't know the name of. Johann Laurentz Meyer was born 10 October 1837 and emigrated to the US in 1853 via New Orleans. He never gave the name of his birthplace as he was afraid they would send him back for some reason. The only thing we know is it is in Upper Franconia, Bavaria. I know that's not much to go on but I'm hoping someone will know more. If you need more information I'll try and make it available. Thanks in advance!!

das wird fast unmöglich ohne Ortsangabe den Taufeintrag zu finden.
Welche Religion hatte die Person ?
Auch der Familienname Meyer ist sehr häufiger Name.

Denke so wird das nichts.

That's what i was afraid of. I know they were Lutheran. There have been several rumors as to the location. I've heard Ansbach, as well as Suelbitz. John (Johann) Laurentz Meyer is the one we have the most information about. I have the ship manifest from Bremerton that lists him as a passenger. I do know he traveled with his cousins the Kieffners. Johan 53, Margaretha 53, Marie Elizabeth 32, Marie Barbara 21, Georg 17, and Georg 14. They were from the same town/area, but I haven't been able to find any information on them either.

dann bleibt Ihnen nur die ganzen Kirchenbücher zu durchsuchen.
der katholische Bereich um Bamberg ist dann auszuschließen.

Sollte es die Region Ansbach sein ist es ein weiteres großes Gebiet.

Im Moment sind aber nur gut 1/3 der Kirchenbücher für Oberfranken online einsehbar, der Rest ist noch vor Ort in der Gemeinde.
Es wird noch Jahre dauern bis diese alle mal online einsehbar sein werden.

In den Schiffslisten ist für alle nichts vermerkt ?

Leider kann ich da Ihnen so nicht weiterhelfen.

Unfortunately not. All it says in the original and transcribed passenger list is Bavaria. I've been looking in the church records and gravesites that they have online, but so far no luck. Most don't have dates on them. I know the birth date of the elder Georg Meyer is 1815, but nothing else. I may have to take a trip and visit the areas in person. Maybe something will pop up eventually. I'll talk to my dad tomorrow. He might have some more information. Thank you for the help, and suggestions. I'm grasping at straws here so I really appreciate it!