Adam and Christoph Port

I think I may have found a connection of two parts of the Port family that I have been trying to unravel.
I have two marriages in Crewitz on the same day, one for a Christoph, and one for Adam.
I am thinking Christoph is the son of Adam who is recorded as a widow in the first marriage record #5 on 21st October.
Could I please have help again in deciphering the two records, #5and #6.

Marriage Records

Many thanks,

These men are father and son.

Adam is recorded as a widower, not a widow, please.



dn 21 tn Oct[ober] wurde der Schäfer zu Crewitz, der Witwer Meister Adam Port,
mit Jungfer Marie Elisabeth Schmidten, des Joachim Schmidt,
ehemahligen Schäfers in Sternhagen hinterlassener ältester Tochter
.... Crewitz daselbst der Gewohnheit nach vertrauet.

Bräutg [Bräutigam] 47 [Jahre alt]
Braut 40 [Jahre alt]


dn 21 tn Oct[ober] wurde der Junggeselle Christoph Port Meisterknecht zu Cre-
witz, des dasigen Schäfers Meister Adam Port ältester Sohn,
mit Jungfer Johanna Charlotte Amalie ?Hoffen / Hotten?, des Abraham
?Hoff / Hott?, ehemaligen Glasmachers in Annenwalde hinterlassenen
ältesten Tochter ...... Crewitz daselbst copulirt.

Bräutg [Bräutigam] 24 [Jahre alt]
Braut 24 [Jahre alt]
Once again, many, many thanks.
I have finally solved my Adam Port/Porth dilemma, and found three more generations thanks to all your assistance.